In 2018, on the occasion of the fourth centenary of the birth of the painter Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, Everpaths began its journey in the museums of Andalusia.
Two years later, in 2020, Vodafone in collaboration with ITSOFT won the tender to deploy Everpaths as the indoor and outdoor location platform on which to model the main public spaces and buildings in the region.
This deployment began in the cultural field, encompassing a total of 24 museums and archaeological sites throughout Andalusia.
Thus was born EspaciosCultur@, the quintessential application for museums in Andalusia.
Objectives to be achieved in museums
The proposed solution was oriented towards two clear objectives:
1) To make available to citizens a unique application to facilitate indoor and outdoor navigation in public buildings, starting with museums. Additionally, the app itself functions as an audio guide allowing citizens to use their own smartphone as a guide.
2) To provide museums with a platform that allows them to control relevant information on the location of people and goods, content management, capacity control, etc.
Implementation and deployment
Together with the Andalusian Society for the Development of Telecommunications (Sandetel) and Vodafone, the scope and deployment were defined in phases.
First phase:
Began with pilot testing at the Museum of Fine Arts and the archaeological site of Italica.
Second phase:
Museo de Almería
Baelo Claudia
Museo de Cádiz
Medina Azahara
Cordoba Synagogue
Archaeological and Ethnological Museum of Cordoba
Fine Arts of Granada
Archaeological and Ethnological Museum of Granada
Museum of Huelva
Museum Alto Guadalquivir
Archaeological Museum of Úbeda
Archaeological Ensemble of Cástulo and Linares Museum
Museo de Málaga
Conjunto arqueológico de Carmona
Museo Artes y Costumbres Sevilla
Third phase:
Alcazaba of Almeria
Museum of Fine Arts of Cordoba
Museum Casa de los Tiros
Museum of Jaen
Puente de Tablas Archaeological Ensemble
Archaeological Ensemble of the Dolmens of Anquera
Archaeological Ensemble of Acinipo (Ronda)
The pilot app was launched on iOS and Android coinciding with the opening of the Murillo anniversary exhibition in October 2018.
The pilot app was launched on iOS and Android coinciding with the opening of the Murillo anniversary exhibition in October 2018.
Throughout these 6 years of experience in museums and archaeological ensembles we have covered more than 9 million m2 of outdoor spaces and around 80 thousand m2 indoor getting:
– Successfully deploying all 24 museums and conducting new pilots in other spaces.
– More than 50k downloads of the EspaciosCultur@ app (based on Everpaths) on both iOS and Android.
– Knowing the sector and making adaptations to our app to make it more beneficial for both visitors and museums.
– Include new functionalities, such as gamification, surveys, language extensions, etc.
– Improve visualization by including a greater variety of multimedia content such as augmented reality and 3D.
– Include new functionalities, such as gamification, surveys, language extensions, etc.
– Improve visualization by including a greater variety of multimedia content such as augmented reality and 3D.